Oshawa's weather forecast for April 17: Persistent wind, strong rain

Residents of Oshawa will face a rainy day on April 17, as continuous precipitation is expected from morning through evening under complete cloud cover.

Wednesday afternoon

As the day progresses, the rain will persist, and temperatures will slightly increase to 10°C by afternoon, with wind speeds intensifying to 34 km/h. By evening, the temperature will slightly decrease to 9°C, while winds continue to strengthen, reaching 37 km/h, maintaining light rain conditions.

Wednesday evening

By late afternoon and into the early evening, the weather will take a turn as cloud cover increases. Temperatures will dip to 10°C while the wind direction shifts to the north, increasing in speed to 15 km/h. This change brings partly cloudy skies to cap off the day.

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Here's what else you should know

Despite the unrelenting overcast and rainy weather, no significant weather impacts or advisories are in place for today.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

Header image: File photo/Getty Images.