Expired News - STRANGE black ring appears over Quebec city sky - The Weather Network
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STRANGE black ring appears over Quebec city sky

Sydney Borton
Digital Reporter

Saturday, September 29, 2018, 2:24 PM - A strange sight appeared over a southwestern Quebec city, but what exactly was it?

The mysterious black ring appeared over Salaberry-De-Valleyfield, Quebec on Saturday morning and vanished shortly after, leaving thousands of residents without power and leading them to question what caused it to appear in the first place. 

Here's the original Facebook post:

3,600 residents had no power at the time of the ring's appearance.

Was it an eerie formation of insects? The aftermath of a firework display? An alien spaceship landing on Earth?!

Photo: Spotted Emergency 24/7

None of the above, actually. The answer is much less supernatural - it was the result of an electrical transformer explosion.

For all you conspiracy theorists out there who think this theory sounds even more far fetched than aliens, here's some video proof to make you think otherwise (don't worry, we're upset it wasn't aliens, too):

The above video was taken at the Burning Man Festival in 2008 and shows a similar black ring being created by a firework-like explosion. It's caused as the large amounts of smoke slowly dissipate. 

Most Quebec residents were understanding of the phenomenon and the hydro-related explanation, while others weren't entirely convinced.

What do you think? Easily explained hydro mishap or secret alien invasion? Let us know!

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