Blue-jean frisbee and extreme al dente: Cold weather tricks
It's cold in parts of Canada, with unrelenting temperatures seizing the Prairies.
The freeze gripping the Prairies has set new records in Alberta and Saskatchewan with lows into the -40s in several communities.
The trend is expected to continue into the weekend. Environment Canada is warning nighttime wind chill values in the -45 to -50 range into the weekend for parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba before a warm-up on Monday.
When the temperature drops that low, it provides a unique opportunity for cold-weather activities.
If you leave wet pants and shirts outside in this weather, they'll become aerodynamic -- as evidenced by our own Kyle Brittian in the video above.
It's gained international attention, receiving kudos from Jimmy Fallon:
Other cold-hardy Canadians have risen to the challenge.
Here's another thing we've learned during this cold spell:
Temperatures of -30°C don't provide the best setting for an outdoor picnic -- unless you like your pasta crunchy: