A wall of Arctic air is hurtling toward the Prairies next week

Soak up the relative warmth on the Prairies while you can, as temperatures dip below zero next week for a long while

Make the most of the above-seasonal temperatures on the Prairies this weekend, as things will change in a hurry as a cold front plunges across the region next week.

Temperatures will fall from relatively balmy double digits this weekend into subfreezing territory in a matter of hours after the front blows through, and many spots will see conditions remain below zero for a week or longer. The plummet will also see wind chill values dip into the minus teens for many places.

DON'T MISS: Brace for chill: Arctic air oozing into Canada for next week

A more wintry pattern will develop as Arctic air will plunge south into the Prairies initially, followed by a countrywide trip that will also make stops in the eastern half of Canada.


Temperatures are likely to sag below freezing for all major cities by Monday night and stay there through at least the beginning of December –– a solid freeze for Regina, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg, while conditions will climb closer to freezing later in the week around Calgary and Edmonton.

The temperature plunge will see the return of wind chills into the minus teens for many locations, as well.

Be sure to wear extra layers when planning on spending any amount of time outdoors.

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On the plus side (unlike the temperatures), no major storms are expected through the end of next week. However, a system tracking near the border with the territories will bring windy conditions and some snow to northern areas Sunday night and Monday. Lake-effect snow squalls are likely southeast of the Manitoba lakes through mid-week.

The snow drought continues for parts of the Prairies as there will be no significant accumulations in sight for the Edmonton area.

Very little snow is anticipated through the end of November for much of Alberta and Saskatchewan, but at least parts of the region saw significant snow earlier in the month. However, most of it has since melted.


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Stay tuned to The Weather Network for the latest forecast updates on the Prairies.